A Corporate Sponsorship of a Stadium event is an ideal way to increase the presence of your company and boost awareness of your product or service to potential customers. However, perhaps the greatest dividend you’ll enjoy is the tremendous public exposure you’ll receive as a supporter of the Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Centre!

Your company will receive prominent recognition in all Stadium promotional materials and advertisements for your sponsored event, including:

  • 25 complimentary tickets in prime seating to your sponsored show.
  • A full page, color ad in the annual Footlights Program Book which is distributed to Stadium guests at each event.
  • Your logo printed in the Stadium Season Brochure which is direct mailed to 30,000 Stadium guests three times per year (Seen by up to 90,000 people!)
  • Your logo and/or business name displayed as the event sponsor on all print advertising, posters, and press materials for your sponsored event.
  • Your logo and/or business name displayed as the event sponsor on the Stadium website and Facebook page (with over 23,000 fans). This includes multiple Facebook and Twitter blasts thanking your business for being a sponsor, while directing loyal Stadium fans to your own business’ Facebook and Twitter pages.
  • Your business name displayed as the event sponsor on every ticket sold for your sponsored event.
  • Your business name announced LIVE as the generous event sponsor before each performance of your sponsored event.

Your sponsorship makes a difference!

The Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Centre is an important social, economic, cultural and educational resource for many surrounding communities. The theatre’s diverse programming attracts over 110,000 guests annually, turning the Stadium into an economic catalyst for Northern Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts. Restaurants, hotels and other retailers all benefit from the traffic generated by our arts programming. In addition, the Stadium enhances social cohesiveness by bringing people of all origins, ages and preferences together, not only as spectators, but also as performers on the grand stage!

Your sponsorship will not only show thousands of existing and prospective clients that your business supports one of their favorite arts venues, but it will also enable the Stadium Theatre to continue offering affordable live entertainment and arts education for all! For that, we thank you in advance!

For further information, please contact support@stadiumtheatre.com or (401) 762-4545 ext. 125