There Are Many Ways to Support The Stadium

There are so many exciting ways that you can help support the Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Centre. Whether it be through membership, advertising, sponsorship or volunteerism your support will be greatly valued and appreciated. In addition, there are many rewards that you will enjoy as a result.


We are grateful for your support.

Become a Member

With Membership you can receive: ticket presale privileges, free tickets to events, free concessions and pub vouchers, invitations to exclusive members only events, and more!

Become a Volunteer

There are many opportunities to volunteer at the Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Centre, and we welcome your involvement!

Purchase a Seat Plaque

Support the Stadium Theatre by purchasing a theatre seat.

Purchase a Legacy Star

Add a Gold Star to the Stadium’s Legacy Donor wall.

Advertise in our Program Book

We offer a variety of advertising opportunities with the potential to get your logo, business information or message to more than 110,000 guests annually.

Advertise in our Dining Guide

Direct our guests to your restaurant.

Sponsor an Event

A Corporate Sponsorship of a Stadium event is an ideal way to increase the presence of your company and boost awareness of your product or service to potential customers.

Fund a Youth Theatre Scholarship

In an age when arts are being cut from school budgets, the Stadium’s educational programming is often full to capacity.