Since 1926 the Stadium Theatre has played an integral part of our community’s cultural, economic and educational development. Today, almost one hundred years later, we continue to be a vibrant source of entertainment in the region that provides countless affordable events and educational programming for all those who wish to participate.

Our mission is making the arts accessible to all, so that all may experience the power of the performing arts, including offering a world-class venue to artists to hone their craft. The Stadium Conservatory is where we build our theatrical productions. It features stunning rehearsal spaces, as well as scene, prop and costume shops and is the main hub for our education programs. The fourth floor is the new location of the executive offices. We have completed constructing modern dressing rooms in the lower level of the Conservatory, which are connected to the theatre by an underground corridor.

If these developments excite you, please support us and if you have the time and you are looking for fun, we welcome you as a valued volunteer. There is a wealth of pride that is held by our Stadium family and our community, we hope that you will join us and become a part of it!

Best regards,

Cathy Levesque
Executive Director/CEO